
來源:趣味經驗館 1.84W
1. 插艾草英語怎麼寫

suspend the artemisia掛艾草,插艾草


suspend the artemisia over the door艾草掛門上




Artemisia has many an alternative name.

艾草的英語名稱Artemisia,來自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被譽為世界七大奇蹟之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建於大約公元前353年,位於曾經為波斯屬地Caria 的地方,今小亞細亞西南部。

The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.


Every time the Dragon Boat Festival comes around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a small bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.

艾草的英語別名之一是wormwood。英國作家C•S•路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地獄來鴻》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,給其主要人物之一命名為wormwood。該主要人物是一個魔鬼。

One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.

2. 筆插套用英語怎麼説



Penholder set


英 [set]

美 [sɛt]

n. [數] 集合;一套;佈景;[機] 裝置

adj. 固定的;規定的;固執的

vi. (日,月)落沉;凝固;結果

vt. 樹立;點燃;點綴;

n. (Set)人名;(瑞典)塞特;(俄)謝特

set 設置,集合,集合 (數學)

set off 出發,動身,引起

set down 記下,寫下,放下


3. 插艾草英語怎麼寫

suspend the artemisia掛艾草,插艾草suspend the artemisia over the door艾草掛門上小知識————艾草的別名有許多,譬若冰台、遏草、香艾、蘄艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、醫草、黃草、艾絨、艾葉等。

Artemisia has many an alternative name. 艾草的英語名稱Artemisia,來自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被譽為世界七大奇蹟之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建於大約公元前353年,位於曾經為波斯屬地Caria 的地方,今小亞細亞西南部。

The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.每至端午節,家家户户喜歡將艾草拿紅紙紮成一小把,掛在户門上,以除穢避邪。Every time the Dragon Boat Festival comes around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a small bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.艾草的英語別名之一是wormwood。

英國作家C•S•路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地獄來鴻》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,給其主要人物之一命名為wormwood。該主要人物是一個魔鬼。

One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.。

4. 插上國旗 英語怎麼説



1 place the flag

Neil Armstrong placed the American Flag on the moon.

2 planted the flag

It was Buzz Aldrin who planted the flag on the moon.

3 put the flag

Stars and Stripes: Putting the Flag on the Moon




Neil Armstrong and I set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969.

