
来源:趣味经验馆 2.74W
1. 英语(闭嘴)怎么说

shut up英 [ʃʌt ʌp] 美 [ʃʌt ʌp] 安静,闭嘴;关严;憋;杜口不言 (使)住口;(使)闭嘴 If someone shuts up or if someone shuts them up, they stop talking. You can say 'shut up' as an impolite way to tell a person to stop talking. Just shut up, will you?。


闭嘴,好吗?I don't feel like shutting up; I think statements about injustice should be made。 我不想住口,我认为应该发表关于不公正的声明。

A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up. 对她冷嘲热讽是让她闭嘴的唯一方法。1. It's time to shut up shop and go home. 该闭店回家了。

2. It's getting late; let's shut up shop and finish the job tomorrow. 天快黑了,咱们停止工作吧,明天再把它干完。 3. Shut up. I'm trying to think. 别说了,我在想问题。

4. The thief was shut up in prison. 那小偷被监禁在狱中。 5. The shop has been shut up temporarily. 这家商店暂时停业了。
