出血英語怎麼寫 - 血用英語表達

來源:趣味經驗館 1.31W

blood 英 [blʌd] 美 [blʌd] n. 血,血液;血統vt. 從…抽血;使先取得經驗n. (Blood)人名;(英、西)布拉德詞根: blood adj. bloody 血腥的;非常的;嗜殺的,殘忍的;血色的 bleeding 流血的;同情的 blooded 血統優良的;有血的 bloodless 不流血的;無血色的;沒有精神的 adv. bloody 很 bloodily 殘忍地;血跡斑斑地,血腥地 n. bleeding 出血;滲色 bleeder 流血不易停止的人;易出血的人;泄放器 bloodiness 殘忍,殘酷;血腥;血污 v. bleeding 出血;滲出(bleed的ing形式);感到疼痛 vi. bleed 流血;滲出;悲痛 vt. bleed 使出血;榨取 bloody 使流血 短語: 1.after someone's blood = out for someone's blood2.(as)red as blood 像血一般紅3.bathe in blood 浸在血泊中,渾身是血4.bit of blood 駿馬;純種馬[亦作 full blood]5.blood from(或out of) a stone (或turnip) 1.冷酷人的眼淚(或同情),憐憫 2.貪婪者手裏的錢 3.得不到的東西,不可能得到的東西;辦不到的事 6.Blood is thicker than water. [諺語]血濃於水。

出血英語怎麼寫 血用英語表達


7.breed(或cause)bad(或ill)blood 產生惡感;引起不和8.bring (或infuse) new blood into 給(企業、團體)增加新成員9.curdle(或chill) someone's blood 嚇呆,嚇得某人渾身冰涼,令人膽戰心驚,使某人驚恐萬分,使某人極度驚恐10.draw blood 1.傷人感情,使人難堪,激起憤怒,惹人生氣,使遭受痛苦,使蒙受損失,造成損失 2.使流血 11.draw first blood 旗開得勝,先發制人,首先進攻12.drown in blood 使浸沒在血泊之中,用血腥手段扼殺13.extract blood from(或 out of) a stone (或 turnip) = get blood from (或 out of) a stone (或 turnip)14.flesh and blood 見 flesh15.fresh(或 new) blood 新鮮血液;(家庭、社會等的)新成員;新生力量16.freeze someone's blood 使某人驚恐萬分,使某人極度驚恐17.get blood from (或out of) a stone (或turnip) 做根本辦不到的事(尤指要吝嗇鬼出錢,要鐵石心腸的人發善心),水中撈月18.get (或have) someone's blood up 使某人發怒,使某人發火19.have blood in one's eye 處於準備打架的樣子20.have blood worth bottling [澳大利亞、新西蘭口語](在身體、精神或道德方面)值得讚揚21.have someone's blood on one's head (或 hands) 對某人的死亡(或受傷、痛苦、不幸、災禍等)應負責任22.in blood [廢語](動物)充滿活力的,生氣勃勃的23.in cold blood 1.無情地;冷酷地;殘忍地 2.蓄意地;冷靜地 24.in hot blood 發怒地,一時憤激,盛怒之下25.in(或 into) someone's blood 愜意26.in someone's (或 the ) blood 生來(或天生)就有的,遺傳下來的27.let blood 1.【醫學】抽血,放血 2.處死,殺掉;流…的血 3.擠出(葡萄、樹等的)液汁 28.make (或 stir up) bad (或 ill ) blood (between persons) (在二人之間)挑起惡感,挑撥離間29.make someone's (或 the) blood boil(或stir) 使某人怒火中燒,使某人憤怒(或忿恨)30.make someone's blood creep (或 freeze) = freeze someone's blood31.make someone's blood run cold 使某人不寒而慄,使某人毛骨悚然,使某人恐怖萬分32.of the (royal) blood (或 of the blood royal) 皇族的;王族的33.one's blood freezes(或runs) cold 感到恐怖34.one's blood is up 激動,動怒,發火35.out for someone's blood [口語]決心要某人的命,要殺死某人以報仇;決心擊敗某人36.out of blood [廢語](動物)無活力的,沒有生氣的,萎靡不振的;呆滯的37.out of one's blood 擺脫(或去掉)…感情(或興趣,願望);忘懷38.run in one's (或 the) blood 與家庭(或民族)有密切關係的,遺傳下來的39.seal with one's blood 用鮮血證明40.shed blood 1.流血(指死或受傷) 2.殺人,屠殺 41.shed blood like water 殺人無數,血流成河42.shed one's blood for 爲…而流血(或犧牲)43.shed the blood of someone 殺死某人44.spill blood 犯殺人(或傷人)罪45.spill the blood of someone 把某人殺死46.stir someone's (或 the )blood 激起某人的慾望(或熱情等),使某人熱血沸騰,使某人萬分激動47.suck someone's blood 或suck the blood of someone 吮吸某人的膏血;剝削,壓榨;榨取民脂民膏48.sweat blood 1.[口語]累死累活地幹,拼命地幹; 嘔心瀝血 2.心急如焚,十分擔憂,憂心忡忡 49.taste blood 1.(獵犬等)撲殺獵物以嘗其味 2.嚐到甜頭,因初次獲勝而得到激勵 50.too rich for someone's (或 the)blood 1.太貴了 2.[美國英語]太肥膩了,我消化不了 51.turn someone's blood cold 使毛骨悚然52.warm someone's blood 使某人感到溫暖(或興奮)53.welter in (one's ) blood 浸於血泊之中。


血常規(檢查);中文簡稱:血BTblood routine examinationblood routine,簡稱blood RT——推薦(術語)抽血blood 英[blʌd] 美[blʌd] n. 血,血液; 流血,殺戮,殺人(罪),犧牲; 有…類型的血的,血統; 血氣,氣質; vt. 用血染(皮革等),用血弄溼; 使出血,抽…的血; 讓新人初試做某事,使先取得經驗; [例句]There was Greek blood in his veins他有希臘血統。

Blood of Hades/Pluto或是Blood of the god of the netherworld.希臘神話哈德斯是The god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches冥界之神,人間財富的分發者.羅馬神話中普路託The god of the dead and the ruler of the underworld.是死亡之神和陰間的統治者.。


1、當我們不小心 切到自己時我們通常會流血。那是因爲我們的體內到處是血管,它們把血運輸到我們的心臟。







4.傷口出血的急救方法 英語作文

It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth to mouth way. Third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a doctor. If a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die.

Many accidents may happen at home. All parents should know first aid in order to deal with common injuries which may happen to their children. When a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. If the person is badly burnt, take him/her to the doctor. If a person cuts his/her finger, clean it and put a piece of paper round the cut. Every bodyrshould know some first aid in order to save othe people's lives.
