
来源:趣味经验馆 8.31K

1 Summarize your paper in a few lines on a scrap piece of paper. Include the key points and why they are significant. Your notes can be in bullet form or in short sentences. This will help you focus on what's important about your paper while leaving out unnecessary information.


2 Begin the conclusion with a topic sentence that summarizes your paper. The topic sentence should be catchy and brief but should also relate to the reader what the essay has been about. The point of the conclusion is to remind the reader of your topic, and the topic sentence will frame this paragraph.

2.学术会议被ei检索,short paper会怎么样

会议介绍称将会提交EI ISTP检索。


3.Research Paper怎么写 有没人推荐一个帮忙的或者是能指导的

对于许多留学生而言每到学期末,也就意味着即将临近放假的日子,这是一件值得开心的事情,在经过一学期忙碌的学习后终于可以休息一段时间,但也有不少的留学生苦恼于Research Paper(研究论文)的写作,思量许久却不知该如何下笔,不禁思考起Research Paper要怎么写呢?我之前是找的经验丰富的51due帮忙指导的,我把Research Paper的写作技巧给你分享一下吧。

1. Research Paper怎么写:Preparation写作要领

Preparation就是前期的一些准备工作,比如查找论文主题相关资料,确定自己的写作方向,这个过程基本上都是可以图书馆完成,但是大家在收集到了有效的材料之后一定要做笔记,将有用的内容记录下来,方便后面Research Paper的内容写作。

2. Research Paper怎么写:Structure写作要领


3. Research Paper怎么写:Title写作要领

标题必须要秉承clear and short的原则,取一个能够博得老师眼球的title,那么就会引起老师想要读你这篇文章的兴趣,那么这个标题就是非常成功的。注意:在标题中不能出现缩写。

4. Research Paper怎么写:Abstracts写作要领

摘要其实就是整篇Research paper的一个浓缩版,一般来说摘要的要求都是less than 200 words,one paragraph,也就是一段,而且不能多于200字。在paper的摘要内容中要有以下内容:研究的对象(subject)、实验的设计(design)、实验的步骤(procedures)以及最后的结果(results)。

5. Research Paper怎么写:Introduction写作要领


6. Research Paper怎么写:Body写作要领





4.怎么写response paper啊

1、第一段对故事或文章简要概述The first paragraph in a reader's response paper is a short summary of the story.

State the name of the story, the author, and the lesson being taught, in the topic sentence. For example, the topic sentence in a reader's response paper for "Ruby the Copycat" would read -- "Ruby the Copycat," by Peggy Rathman, teaches an important lesson about individuality." Also, in the first paragraph, introduce the other elements of the story -- characters, setting, conflict and resolution. Give enough information so the reader obtains a sense of the story and is enticed to read on.

2 现实生活中类似的冲突或问题

Explain the conflict, or problem, in the story. Use direct quotes and examples from the text to explain the conflict. Make a connection to the problem in the story by describing an anecdote from your life or by connecting the problem to another story, movie, or real life event. For instance, you might feel the same way the character feels because you have been in the same situation. Explain what happened to you to make the reader more interested.

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3 说出这个故事想要表达的主题State the theme, the life lesson that the story explains, in the first sentence of the third paragraph. Use evidence from the story to explain the theme. Explain how the characters are used to show the theme by using direct quotes from the story and examples of their actions that support the theme.

4 我们得到的启示

State the resolution to the story explaining how the problem was resolved and what the characters learned. Make a statement about the theme and how it relates to your life. For example, "Like the lessons learned by the character, I . . ." Write an anecdote about how you have learned that same lesson during a time in your life by making a personal connection to the story

5.英语作文 howtolearnenglishwell 怎么写

As English is one of the main subjects that the Chinese students have to take up, learning English becomes prevalence. More and more students find it hard to learn English, because it is fresh to them. Depending on different personality, experience and background, different people may have different menthods to learn English. In my opinion,interest and practice are the best ways to learn English.Firstly, interest is the best teacher. No matter who wants learn or do something, interest is the bestcatalyst. Having interest, peole will feel easier to complete things. So does learning English. If any one feels difficulty in learning English, the first thing he should consider is to develop his interest on English.Secondly, practice makes perfect. The most common way to learn English is practise more. Nothing would be difficult with practice. For example, if someone find it hard to remember vocabulary, he can see the word everyday before he goes to sleep. I'm sure he will remember words quickly.All in all, there is no fast way to learn English well, except work hard. But if people have interest on English and knows the importance of practice, they will master it sooner or later.。

6.for short

for short


He's only away for short periods a week at the longest.


I have lots of ideas for short stories but find it difficult to put pen to paper.


My name is Alexander,"Al" for short.

