
來源:趣味經驗館 2.7W


祝福你的人生永遠燦爛,這是真心的祈禱。Wish you a bright life forever. This is a sincere prayer.

願你遇良人,予你歡喜城,長歌暖浮生。May you meet a loved one and give you a happy city and a long song to warm your life.

願您生日快樂,天天愉快,永遠歡樂!Wish you a happy birthday, every day and always!

願你的生日伴隨着幸福與喜悅,從日出到日落。May your birthday be accompanied by happiness and joy, from sunrise to sunset.

祝你:發財勢頭如快馬加鞭,一日千里。I wish you: the momentum of wealth, such as the galloping horse, a thousand miles a day.

你是會發光的星球,是我內心的驕傲和摯愛。You are a shining planet, the pride and love of my heart.

祝親朋好友,身體健康,萬事如意。I wish you good health and good luck.

願所有的歡樂都陪伴着你,仰首是春,俯首是秋。May all the joy accompany you, look up is spring, bow is autumn.

願你享盡今日之歡樂,祝你的生日百事順心。May you enjoy todays joy and have a happy birthday!

祝你生日快樂,年年有今朝,歲歲都健康。I wish you a happy birthday, every year and every year.
